Official opening of the YCTP 2022, 5th FES Rwanda Anniversary and transition ceremony
During the solemn event, the invited stakeholders, partners, YCTP participants and friends of FES Rwanda attended the handover between country representatives. In his remarks the outgoing director, Mr. Oliver Dalichau, expressed his satisfaction and appreciation for the work done by the foundation alongside its partners throughout the past years of work in Rwanda, he continued by thanking the German ambassador to Rwanda HE Dr. Thomas Kurz for his support and contribution to the FES Rwanda work in general and the German community in Rwanda.
The outgoing director also emphasized on the tremendous support and role played by RGB and MINALOC which is the FES key ministry, that was represented by the guest of honor the director general of planning Mr. Prosper Murindwa, who in his gratitude remarks stated that '' MINALOC doors are always open for discussing about other areas to ensure impacts of FES programs in Rwanda''.
The incoming country representative Ms. Anne Felmet asserted that ‘’it is especially important to me that the voices of women and young people are heard, that is why I am so delighted to see so many young people today’’.
''The work of the foundation, the work of Oliver Dalichau and his colleagues have made impacts, they have made difference, and I am really grateful and appreciated'' underlined His Excellency Dr. Thomas Kurz, the German Ambassador to Rwanda.
The participants of the young citizen training program 2022 used the event to exchange with the alumni of the 2021 cohort- Alumni Ms. Neema Icyishatse tested and shared with the newest group of young professionals the benefits gained in 9 successful months of learning and acquiring skills and knowledge.
Article by Walid Ndaruhutse
House KG 13 Ave, 14, Nyarutarama, Gasabo district - Remera sector
Kamashashi cel
Kigali – Rwanda